Tuesday, November 11

Free Educational Resources-Pilgrim Stories Part 2/E-books/Great Sites

Don't forget to get part two of "Pilgrim Stories" from Homeschool Freebie of the Day. This second part tells about the Pilgrims' arrival in the New World and the dangers they faced, the making of new friends and the first Thanksgiving.
This freebie will be available through the end of the week.

I found a couple more e-books about the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony.

From the Internet Archive, "Little Pilgrims at Plymouth", a classic children's book by Frances A Humphrey, published in the late 1800's.

From Google Book Search, "The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes; England, Holland and America", by William Elliot Griffis, a classic book on the history of the Pilgrims, published in 1898.

And here are some more good websites:

Mayflower Steps-photos and history of Plymouth, past and present
The Avalon Project-Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents
The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony: A in-depth study guide, some lesson plans are included.

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