Friday, October 31

Sassafras Tea

Another recipe from our family cookbook, this one is from one of my brothers-in-law.

Sassafras Tea

1. Find yellow sassafras roots along fencerows. Dig roots.

2.Wash thoroughly.

3. Pound roots and place in boiling water.

4. Boil several minutes and sweeten to taste.

I like to take a little twig of sassafras and chew on the end. :)


ricewp said...

The tea recipe sounds wonderful. I created a wonderful family cookbook using Family Cookbook Project and I could not be happier with how easy it was to get everyone in my family to contribute recipes and then have our family cookbook printed. Not only do we have a printed cookbook, but are recipes are online so it is easy to email them to friends that don’t have the cookbook available to them.

A family cookbook is something everyone can enjoy for many, many years!

Denese said...

It's also a great way to pass some family history down to the younger generations.

So glad you enjoyed the recipe. :)